Welcome to The Aging Games, in this video I will discuss this new trend in drinking vitamin water. I'll talk about some of the ingredients and whether they actually provide health benefits. I'll also touch on health foods in general, especially those found in the healthy isle of your supermarket.
It’s common knowledge that water is one of the best drinks you can choose as it keeps your body hydrated and healthy. With this realization, vitamin-infused beverages or Vitamin water have become something of a recent trend in the healthy drink world. So, is it healthy or is this just another hyped up trend?
What Is Vitamin water?
Vitamin water is a beverage, there are many varieties. As its name indicates, Vitamin water is water enriched with vitamins like vitamin c, vitamin d and minerals.
However, Vitamin water is also loaded with stevia, particularly fructose, which is sugar and it’s linked to various health problems when consumed in excess.
Too much sugar can quickly cause worrying side effects if consumed on a regular basis.
Here are just a few of the potential negative side effects of excessive consumption of too much fructose ( sugar in Vitamin water):
• Anxiety
• Jitters
• Sugar crashes
• Weight gain
• Heart disease
• High blood sugar
• Risk of type 2 diabetes
• Stroke
• Renal complications and other digestive issues
So, what does this all mean and is vitamin water good for you?
In short, Vitamin water is probably not as healthy as people think it might be. It's so important to read labels so you're not misled into believing that something is healthy without looking at the ingredients.
As always there's quite a bit of conflicting information out there about how to break a fast. One thing everyone agrees on is that the fast needs to broken slowly and gently. You also need several days to go back to eating normally. For example, if you do a 7 day fast, you need about 3 days of refeeding. On a 10 day fast, you'll need 4-5 days and so on. How you break the fast will make or break the whole experience. If you go right back to your old way of eating, you can easily negate all the benefits of your fast. One school of thought insists on breaking the fast with fruit, more specifically watermelon and then lots of veggies and more fruit. Since my goal is to remain in ketosis, I will be taking a different approach. I will be eating protein, fat and some low-carb veggies, bone broth and lots of water. I would also recommend abstaining from alcohol for at least a few days so you're not overburdening your liver. Listen to your body. Don't force the food if yo...
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